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Tatuagem Maori – Ta Moko
Ta moko, examples of indigenous Maori tattoos. Theme: Cultural signs and patterns. Idea from: Paterson J. et. al. 2017 IB Visual Arts Course Companion Oxford O.U.P.
Tokyo Bleep
The native Maori people of New Zealand have tattooed their faces for centuries. They had a complex warrior culture before the arrival of Europeans, and suffered under early colonialism, but have experienced a cultural revival since the 60′s. The marks are called moko, and are etched with chisels instead of needles to leave grooves along with the ink. The true form is sacred, unique to each person, and distinct from European tattoos that mimic that traditional style.
This is really cool. Not sure if it's Buddhist-y but if it is would make a really cool cuff that extends into the rest of the artwork